Office Hours: 08:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday (403) 794-4000
After Hours Emergency: (403) 633-0706

Understanding Your Water Rates
NRSC Water Rate to Municipalities
The Board of Directors of Newell Regional Services Corporation (NRSC) sets a water rate that is applicable to each municipality. The rate is the same to each community and includes all chemical, power, raw water costs, and operations and maintenance of the WTP. The rate also includes depreciation of assets and future costs of planned upgrades and capital costs. The rate also includes funds required for repairs of leaks and equipment repairs. Each of the Member Municipalities of NRSC (City of Brooks, County of Newell, Town of Bassano (when connected)and the Villages of Tilley, Rosemary and Duchess (when connected) receives water through the transmission main and into a water storage reservoir. NRSC charges the municipalities' a Board approved water rate. Each municipality may in turn; add an additional sum to cover the costs of their administration, operation and repair of their water distribution system.
Truck Fill Water Rates
Newell Regional Services Corporation (NRSC) performs some Utility Billing functions on behalf of some municipalities.
NRSC bills all truck fill users on behalf of both the City of Brooks and the County of Newell. Truck fill users are divided into two distinct classifications; residential and commercial. You are a residential user if you deliver water to your own residence or you deliver water to various residential customers. You are a commercial customer if you haul water to industrial or commercial sites.
The City of Brooks and the County of Newell each set the truck fill users rate, by classification and NRSC bills each truck fill user in accordance with the water rate set by each municipality. Funds collected by NRSC are forwarded to each municipality.
County of Newell Water Project (CNWP)
The County of Newell is a Member Municipality and is charged the Board of Directors approved water rate. Each of the main branches of the County Rural system has a water meter which records the volume of water that passes through the water meter. The County of Newell receives a Utility Bill from NRSC for all water consumed to rural residences.
The County of Newell will be billing rural residents that are connected to the NRSC System.
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Newell Regional Services
P.O. Box 638,
Brooks, AB, Canada
T1R 1B6
Telephone (403) 794-4000
Fax (403) 794-4051
County of Newell
City of Brooks